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Flag Day raising 4-17-1900. Attributed to John Davis. .jpg

The First April 1900
Flag Day Program.

View the original April 17, 1900 Tutuila Deed of Cession above slide images or via .pdf at right

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Historical program and scenes from American Samoa's first Flag Day 124 years ago.

ASG Archives and Records  Center

     American Samoa's Office of Archives and Records Management (OARM) is an Executive Branch Office under the Dept. of Administrative Services.  While primarily a records management service for government offices, it also helps the general public with government archives and records  information needs. For example, Federal Public Law 99-396 Sec. 15 is a One U.S. National Parent Law  requiring residential evidence. Passport residency researches for applicants are therefore conducted on archived Censuses, Passenger Lists and Tax lists. OARM also provides certified evidence for the public from various  government branch department archives and records.


     It also  guides local and national researchers to various holdings, such as 1900-1974 High Court Matai and Land Title cases. Public government files and media from the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches between 1900-1998 can also be provided. Research about  American Samoa's indigenous language and culture is especially available. Practical advice on how to recover and conserve archives and records after disasters can also be obtained.


     Records Management guidance to  government offices about the cycle f creating, controlling, storing and preserving archives or destroying temporary records and non-records is also done in accordance with local and national laws. Visit us at Tafuna Village, Tutuila Island, American Samoa or call for an appointment at  684-699-6848. 

  Academics say the Samoas were inhabited at least 3,100 yrs ago...   Although ASG Archives and Records are only 124 yrs old, many   national and foreign libraries, archives & museums have about 5 
   centuries of Samoan recordings, artwork, legends & genealogies...

The 17th Century
swains island.jpg

     On March 2nd, 1606, Spanish Explorer Fernando Quiros chanced upon an atoll while exploring the Southwest Pacific. Indigenous Tokelauans welcomed their discovery and in the following centuries gradually became accustomed to Western Religion and Culture. American Samoa's written history therefore dates from it's rediscovery by European explorers during the 17th Century. The Tokelau atoll mentioned here was eventually destined to become Swains Island in 1925, a part of today's American Samoa. Dutch Explorers also discovered the nearby Tonga and Futuna islands during those initial contact times. OARM keeps copies of several 17th century Spanish and Dutch Explorers journals and prints, along with later publications about the earliest visits.

The 18th Century
nla- Ozanne, Nicolas c1790 Oil on Canvas 63 x89 cm.jpg

  Derived from the nearby Fiji and Tonga islander archipelagos, the Samoans are rich in historical myths, legends, traditional customs, material culture and language. Family chief titles have resided continuously in their villages for over three millennia. American Samoa is the eastern region of the Samoan Island archipelago. In the Eighteenth Century, the Dutch Admiral Roggeveen became the first to anchor at easternmost Samoa in 1722. French Admirals Bougainville and L'Perouse followed to map and explore island waters in 1768 and 1787. Famed British Captain Vancouver also stopped at Samoa during a search for the Tahitian Mutiny on the Bounty mutineers in 1791. The 1807 French oil painting by Ozanne shown above illustrates an infamous attack on the first 1787 French Explorers ashore at Tutuila, Am. Samoa. OARM's retains copies of this and other various Eighteenth century manuscripts and publications written by the early European Explorers, along with prints and references detailing 18th Century Samoan Culture.

The 19th Century
The 20th Century
LMS Missionary John Williams at Leone Tutuila. c1830..jpg

     Samoa was once so faraway and isolated from Western "Civilization" that Whaleboat Deserters and Australian Convicts soon began hiding there during the early 1800s. The skills and tools of these foreigners were novel and soon adopted by Samoans. The Samoans also encountered the Russian Von Kotzbue Expedition of 1824 and the French d'Urville Explorers in 1826. Rudimentary knowledge of European languages and Christianity therefore grew and in 1830 the British London Missionary Rev. John Williams arrived from Tahiti. He is depicted in the old wood print above showing his welcoming at Leone Village. By 1836, the first group of missionary families were at Fagasa Village. These British London Missionary Society missionaries from Tahiti soon established churches and mission schools on each island. Literacy and social and technological innovations quickly advanced.  American Explorer Captain Charles Wilkes followed to survey the islands in 1839 and, created the first U.S. Commercial trade agent. Britain and German trade agents soon followed, along with mercantile firms from their home countries. The popularity of religion, education, and foreign goods eventually led to the first western style Samoan Government in 1875. Resultant local and international politics caused strife however and due to resultant civil warfares and a revolution, the Samoan Islands were divided and annexed by the German, British and American powers on Dec. 2nd, 1899 in order to establish peace, law and order. OARM's 19th Century microfilm archives are mostly comprised of International Consulate and Church records c1839-1899, along with the first Samoan Government records from 1875-1899. OARM also holds reference copies of numerous articles, newspapers and publications written about Samoa by many transient visitors and authors, such as Robert Louis Stevenson and Lauli'i Willis.

     On April 17th, 1900 at Sogelau, Tutuila (above) the Eastern Samoan Island Chiefs of Tutuila and Manu'a accepted the 1899 American Annexation after the Western Samoans had accepted their German Annexation. Old Glory was raised on a hill overlooking the new Pago Pago Harbor U.S. Naval Station Wharf constructions (above). German Samoa subsequently developed the western islands until the first World War of 1914, when it changed into New Zealand's British Samoa. After WWII in 1945, British Samoa affiliated with the United Nations to become self governing and the Independent Nation of Western Samoa then regained it's own Flag 17 yrs. later in 1962. In contrast, the American Samoans of the Eastern Islands have preferred an American economy and lifestyle since 1900. Their history is one of being a U.S. Naval Station until WWII. This was followed by a Presidential transfer to the civilian Department of Interior in 1951. The development of a Legislature and Judicial System then occured during the late 1940s and 1950s, when their Constitution was written and adopted in 1960. The creation of an electorate and quasi Self Government then came about by referendum in 1978, when a Governor and Congressional Representative were elected to be by popular vote. OARM's early Twentieth Century records are primarily on microfilm along with a small quantity of extant files, photos, publications, film and audiotape holdings. These earlier American Samoa Archives prior to 1970 are generally public and held at several U.S. National Archives facilities. More recent archives and records require authorization from originating offices prior to access unless they are already public.

The 21st Century
LMS Fagatogo 1889.jpg

     Access to the majority of OARM's Twentieth and Twenty-First Century inactive records remain with originating ASG agencies. Researchers requesting information or copies from 1996-2021 must obtain authorization from the originating agency. In this regard, OARM generally follows the federal 25 year guideline and restrictions for any release of information. However, public archives more than 90 yrs. old and ASG microfilms and publications are essentially open if not otherwise restricted.



Prior to 1978, the U.S. Navy and Dept. of Interior had not established a local archives dept. or records building in American Samoa. In 1969, the majority of local government archives were sent to the U.S. National Archives in San Francisco by DOI Governor Owen Aspinal. With the start of a local Am. Samoa Government electorate in 1978, remaining government archives were recognized and stored at several intermediate locations. These included the Fagatogo and Utulei administrative buildings, a Samoana High School WWII era quonset hut, an old Naval Station warehouse in Fagatogo, and a prior Tafuna Air Force Housing cafeteria. The need for local Archives and Records Management laws and regulations was then acknowledged and created by the Am. Samoa Legislature in 1984 and placed under the Executive Branch. An initial Records Management Office was subsequently transferred to the Dept. of Administrative Services by Executive Order in 1985 after a permanent staff and location were established. The first ASG Archives Office occupied a renovated 1908 Naval Station Fita Fita Jail with the Territorial Registrar Office. In 1991 the Territorial Registrar was transferred to the Office of the Attorney General and became a separate facility. A new Records Center named after Governor Peter Tali Coleman was then built and dedicated at Tafuna in 1991. The National Historical Registry Naval Station Jail Archives was afterwards consolidated and moved into the new Tafuna Records Center in 1998. The current Office of Archives and Records Management (OARM) is therefore staffed by a Territorial Archivist, Division Head, Senior Adm. Asst and two Adm. Assistants to serve your information needs. OARM functions under ASCA Title 4 Ch 12 and ASAC Title 2 Ch 3 regulations.

One U.S. Nat. Parent Public Law Info

     PL 99-396 Sec 15      English              Samoan   


ASG Public Archives

Archival Policies and Procedures




Archives              Researchers

Brochure             Guide


Executive Branch, 


Legislative Branch,


and Judicial Branch:






ASG Constitution Day

Prior Governor Lemanu Mauga established October 17 as American Samoa Constitution Day via Executive Order in 2021.

               Governor of American Samoa

         Archives Month Proclamation 2024!

     The 1967 Revised Constitution.  


1977 ASG Public Law 15-23

    for Elected Governors.  


1977-78 DOI Secretary Orders       for Elected Governors.  



T27 U.S. Consuls Samoa microfilms


T1182 Am. Samoa Govt. microfilms


Matai and Land Title microfilms


ASG Record Groups list





​                 T27          T1182       Matai Land     T805


T805-1 Microfilm link:













              Genealogy Finding Guide 2021!   









1900-1945 Am. Samoa Censuses: 



1940 & 1950 Am. Samoa Censuses:




ASG Employees Records Mangement

Records Policies and Procedures


ASCA Regulations and


ASAC Regulations:





Policies and          Record Schedule

Procedures           form.






  Record Transfer  Destruction

  Instructions          Permission form.

ASG LAM Libraries, Archives & Museums

Museum of American Samoa


Feleti Barstow Library


Am. Samoa Historical Preservation Office


Territorial Registrar


DHS Office of Vital Statistics


Am. Samoa Community College


Amerika Samoa Arts Council


Amerika Samoa Humanities Council/NEH


U.S. National Archives


Council of State and Territorial Archivists 



   2024 National History Day
Teacher/Student Resources!

       NHD Theme         NHD Resources

Social Media













​ National Archives of Fiji


Hawaii State Archives


Archives New Zealand


New Zealand National Library


New Zealand National Library


PAMBU Manuscripts Bureau

​ National Archives of Samoa


          Samoana's 75th Anniversary!










                T27-01           T27-02


These are the first 2 of 27 online microfilms with U.S. Commercial Consul Despatches from Apia, Samoa for 1843-1866. They include Tutuila and Manu'a Island papers. The entire online set is from 1843-1906. To view, press the links below or the .pdfs above.



See the others at 




2023 ask an arch_edited.jpg

2024 American Archives Month
         & Ask an Archivist Day!

electronic records day 2023.png

2024 Electronic Records Day!

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We're also on Facebook and Twitter...and  You Tube. Just click an icon below.

               Harmful Content Notice 


Some of the content found in our archival material or those of our third party links may be considered offensive. The U.S. National Archives policy regarding any such content is therefore generally followed and is available at this link:   


         Photos and stories of American Samoa's
               First Constitution 1960,

           The 1967 Revised Constitution
   and Constitutional Conventions & Amendments of
                      1966 -2025


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